Innlegg av Anne Berit Andøl
Sustainable Digitalization
PA3 The following definitions are based on Danielsen, F., Flak, LS and Sæbø. Ø. Understanding Digital Transformation in Government Chapter 7 in…, Springer Digitization “Digitizing and digitization is the process of converting information from the analog to the digital” Digitalization “Digitalization is a socio-technical process aiming to convert and modify organizational processes into a digital(ly…
Les merSustainable Business
PA 3 Business models for sustainability “A business model for sustainability helps describing, analyzing, managing, and communicating (i) a company’s sustainable value proposition to its customers, and all other stakeholders, (ii) how it creates and delivers this value, (iii) and how it captures economic value while maintaining or regenerating natural, social, and economic capital beyond…
Les merSustainability
Version PA3 Sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (Brundtland, 1987) Sustainable development (of society): The overall goal of sustainable development (SD) is the long-term stability of the economy and environment; this is only achievable through the integration and acknowledgement of economic, environmental, and…
Les merSustainability assessment framework
Version: PA2 Executive Summary The Sustainability assessment framework (SAF) is a set of tools to analyze a situation to be able to balance the different sustainability-concerns with functional requirements of a solution. It aims at supporting design decision making and as such, it helps framing the sustainability-quality concerns (i.e. quality requirements/attributes related to 4D-sustainability) and…
Les merProfile description: Managers
Version: PA1 General profile description In this context, the responsibility of the Managers is to Run a business unit within an organization Responsible for services and deliverables to internal and external customers Report figures to upper management, negotiate terms and conditions for her department Contribute to the company strategy and business model Define strategy and…
Les merGoforIT: Bærekraft i IT-utdanningene
GoforIT-initiativet fremmer integrering av bærekraft i IT-utdanningene, understreker behovet for en systemisk tilnærming for å møte miljøutfordringer gjennom digitalisering.
Les mer«GoforIt-universitetene» rigger seg for vekst innen bærekraft og digitalisering
Universitetene i Agder (UiA) og NTNU, tilknyttet IKT-Norge-prosjektet GoforIT, tar viktige skritt mot å utvikle utdanningsløp som møter behovene for kompetanse innen digitalisering og bærekraft.
Les merVellykket lansering av GoforIT
GoforITs vellykkede lansering, arrangert av IKT-Norge, samlet eksperter for å utforske teknologiens rolle i bærekraft og utdanning, nå tilgjengelig i opptak.
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