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Profile description: Managers

Version: PA1

General profile description 

In this context, the responsibility of the Managers is to

  • Run a business unit within an organization
  • Responsible for services and deliverables to internal and external customers
  • Report figures to upper management, negotiate terms and conditions for her department
  • Contribute to the company strategy and business model
  • Define strategy and business model for their unit, in line with the company
  • Ensure that the company has the right values in their company culture
  • Hire people with the right competence and experience
  • Competence development (individual and as a whole) for their staff
  • Procure or deliver products and services that support the strategy (involves sales or procurement, negotiations, follow up)
  • Personal follow up of their staff (performance reviews, salary negotiations)
  • Arrange social/business gatherings
  • Host steering groups for products

This description only covers the additional responsibilities and considerations that are related to sustainability. 

System designers need to take a holistic responsibility for the services and products they are responsible for, and make sure that the organization operates according to the relevan sustainability standards

Version log

PA128.4.2022Simen Sommerfeldt
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